Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Old Leather Domina How Do I Restore Old Leather Without Destroying It?

How do i restore old leather without destroying it? - old leather domina

I have some old leather of the 1st World War, a cavalry officer, who essentially of straps and the leather strap on a helmet-bodied age. I asked myself if I were certain procedures that may be used for maintenance / cleaning of the skin, his always fragile and difficult, not under all conditions.


Judy B said...

Historic Restoration of leather on the best experts in the corrupt modern techniques and products can be left to hide or destroy.

Find a restorer of old leather and make available to them.

conrange... said...

Do NOT use penetrating oil like WD40 also softens the skin is eaten, does the saddle soap with time and patience is best.

NAZGUL said...

The "is" is functioning properly SS.

tru212re... said...

Kiwi Saddle Soap works best in everything I used leather

THE"IS" said...

I found the saddle soap is the best

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