Monday, February 8, 2010

What Does A Wolf Mean To Native Americans What Do White Wolves Mean To Native Americans?

What do white wolves mean to Native Americans? - what does a wolf mean to native americans

What icon in your culture?


Ron D said...

This means that lawyers are of the judiciary at large. Shi.

ShadeyLa... said...

It symbolizes the birth of a new beginning, what to produce and turn over. This symbol is sacred, and not often found. Begin with the end coming and will certainly continue. But in the end can continue only if the principle of provenance. And begin to come, the wolf must be white. And when the wolf is black, will the end come before the departure. So when the gray wolf is at the beginning and the end no longer exist, but the day will come.

lady_dea... said...

Depending on the strain,
Wolf brings wisdom (any color)
Wolf, brings clarity and challenge.
Other colors can be different things, like the owl, for example.
in some strains could mean chaos and change (always for the better)
or death.
But as I said, it depends.

Instant Karma - Just Add Water said...

What is culture?

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